How To Play

  1. Think of a funny or unique image. Describe it in three words.
  2. The AI doodles your idea
  3. Your friends guess the three words from the doodle
  4. Points are given for each correct word guessed
  5. Enjoy the fun and share your images!


  • Keep it simple!
  • Fun ideas often involve celebrities or funny situations
  • Check out the loading page for some more ideas

Example Ideas:

  • Santa Eating Hotdogs
  • Alien Cooking Pancakes
  • Picasso Dog Painting
  • Elvis Bungee Jumping

Start a group game, co-op two player, or join a friend using their token

Game Types

There are two ways to play:

Group Play:

Play with up to 8 people. Everyone for themselves!

  1. Every player is working against each other to win
  2. Points are given for each correct(ish) word, plus an extra point for the fastest correct guess
  3. The prompter gets the same score as the best guesser
  4. Be quick, theres a 2 minute time limit to guess!
  5. Play for a set number of rounds and see who ends up on top, or until someone gets 1000 points!

Two Player:

Work together with a friend

  1. Work together to get a team highscore
  2. You get one point for every correct word the guesser gets
  3. Highscore resets if you dont get any points in a round
  4. Remember, you're working as a team, so make it easy to guess!